Monday, 19 December 2011

the Last Wrapping

I love wrapping presents.  It feels so special when your present looks pretty, I find I almost don't even care whats inside....almost.  I've done the brown paper thing which is nice, but this year I picked out a few papers that I liked and decided instead of buying ribbons and bows...which get pricey, I'd use some craft left overs to decorate.  For these gifts I used yarn and twine for ribbons and old sweater and piece of a crocheted table cloth, both of which came from a second hand shop.  I like the combination of new and old.

Making Lemonade...figuratively of course.

So my cashmere sweater went into the drier.  I suppose it would have fit the baby in a few years, but instead of waiting I used it as the base of my Christmas present to her.  I named her the Augusta Doll.  I sewed her leggings and a little sweater from the scraps of my pillow venture.  I just hope she likes her.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

I'm a hacker...

Ikea hacker that is...

Thursday, 1 December 2011

The hunt is over

I spent months scanning Kijiji, Etsy and secondhand shops for a metal cart at a reasonable price in the right size to convert to a side table.  I stumbled across this little red number at goodwill.  It wasn't as pretty as a wanted it to be, but it was a about the right size and it cost $2.50...snagged!

I used a plank of scrap wood in my basement (I think it was about $4 worth)  I cut it into two pieces, glued the together, sanded, stained and varnished about six times.  I also found the basket in the basement and it turned out to be the perfect fit, and great storage for baby toys.